Events of ARK Drug Addiction Treatment Center
ARK drug addiction treatment center is the oldest and most up-to-date treatment center for drug addiction in Chittagong. We try to arrange different events to prevent the danger of drug addiction in our society. Participate in the following events with us, Please stay in touch, be safe, keep your loved one safe from drug addiction
Round Table Meeting on Drug Addiction Awareness for Society Leaders
On the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June, a round table meeting was held with the people of various walks of life at the Ark Complex, The first drug rehab and addiction treatment center in Chittagong, The discussion meeting was conducted by the treatment centers Psychologist Miss Suraiya Mukit, Senior government and non-government officials, public representatives, doctors, university teachers, psychiatrists, psychologists, journalists, NGO officials, social workers, religious representatives and other professionals were present at the discussion.Among others, Additional Director of Department of Narcotics Control(DNC) Md. Mojibur Rahman Patwari, Mukul Jyoti Chakma, Deputy Director DNC, Chottragram Metro,Chairman of Liberation War Research Center Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, 24. No. North Agrabad Ward Counselor Nazmul Haque Duke, Human Rights Activist and Advocate Zia Habib Ahsan, Associate Professor of Chittagong University Dr. Md. Shahinur Rahman, Assistant Professor of Chittagong University Md. Osman, SAARC Human Rights Council Chittagong Metropolitan Secretary Lion Abu Naser Rony, Prominent social worker Jasmine Sultana Paru, Consultant Psychologist Tofa Hakim, CEO of Life Coach Bangladesh And Life Coach Tanjir Abedin, Founder of Bindu Foundation Md. Shahadat Hossain, Youth Development Officer Jahan Uddin, Patharghata Catholic Church Priest Father Leonard Riberu, Chittagong Durbar Sharif Representative Sarwar Alam and Secretary of Lions Club of Chittagong Lion Nazmul Saker were present at the event.Speakers said that due to the high availability and use of drugs, people of all classes / ages of the society are becoming addicted to drugs or are at risk. As a result, the law and order situation in the country is being disrupted, the education system is being severely disrupted, and the economy is being rigorously affected. The country as a whole is suffering from the disease called drug addiction. Emphasis is placed on effective planning to get rid of this and integrated initiatives from government, private and private levels for its implementation. The speakers thanked Parvez Ahmed, the founder of ARK Drug Addiction Treatment Center, for organizing such a timely event and highly praised the activities of ARK to fight drug addiction and co-occurring situations.
22 Years of Drug Addiction Treatment in Chittagong
This 23rd june, ARK drug addiction treatment center will celebrate it's 22 year in serving the suffering people and their families. Our founder and CEO Parvez Ahmed will inaugurate the celebration program along with Mr. Mukul Jyoty Chakma, the Deputy Director of DNC (Deparatment of Narcotics Control) Chatragram Metro and Assistant Director of DNC Chatragram Metro South Mr. Shoumen Mondol. On this special occasion Sixteen of our fellows who are with us since 2000 will be awarded for their own achievement of twentytwo years recovery journey. We will aslo be acompanied with our recovering addict fellows from all over Bangladesh who made our drug addiction treatment successful and inspired us to move on for such a long time. A breif ceremony, cultural program and a get together dinner will be followed. All members of ARK friends and family are cordially invited to celebrate recovery from drug addiction with us. -
ARK drug addiction treatment center always encourages the religious values upon the recovering addicts. It is a part of our treatment to grow up religious belief. It is the month of Ramadan which is very sacred to muslim ummah. We arranged a Khatam Tarawih jamaat in the treatment center premises, which added the bonding between recovering addicts who are continuing their journey of recovery in the real world. Today is the last khatam tarawih, So we decided to have a little get together through a Sehri Night to celebrate our journey as well as doing it in serene way. As studies shows that the sale of illicit drugs increases to high in this month of Ramadan. The Cooking is on for today. ARK family and friends are welcome to join to have sehri with us.
End Inequalities, End AIDS, End Pandemics
With this theme, World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1 this year as in previous years. Since drug addicts are at high risk of HIV infection, ARK drug addiction rehabilitation center organizes a discussion meeting as part of awareness for successful recovering addicts and drug addicts who are in treatment.Hafiz Ahmed, Divisional Coordinator-NGO Aashar Alo, Miss Suraiya Mukit, Counselor,ARK Rehab and Mr. Rakibul Azam, Development Coordinator, Ark Foundation were present at the meeting as guest and speakers respectedly.Mr Hafeez said HIV-positive people were being discriminated in various ways. He highlighted the plight of an AIDS patient and focuses on how to prevent it. Other speakers emphasized resistance rather than remedy. They highlighted various aspects of the risk of drug addicts becoming infected. At the discussion, A HIV positive person also shared some things from his life and urged everyone to be careful. Because if you want to live, you have to know. -
4 Nov was the opening of our new after care service. ARK has introduced yoga as a intregal part of our drug addiction treatment program, Now for the first time in Drug Addiction Treatment history of Bangladesh we are offering free Yoga sessions twice a week for recovering addicts as their After Care program. The sessions will be taken care of by our Yoga Instructor Sujan Sen Gupta. 28 recovering addicts were present inn the inaugural Please Call Shihab Masum |+88 017 16 135 716 for details
ARK drug addiction treatment center is going to have a eid reunion at the rehab center premises in Chittagong. All the recoveries from ARK's sixteen years journey are going to participate in the program. This months clean birthday amd graduation celebration will be held along at the same time. The program will start at 6:00PM, the main events are graduation ceremoney, clean birthday celebration, speaker sharing from old comers, cultural program , sharing meeting and dinner Please contact Shihab Masum |+88 017 16 135 716 for details
Outing to Cox's Bazar 2-3 Jun 2016
We are going to a two day outing to Cox's Bazar at the upcoming thursday, Jun 2, 2016. We will have loads of fun beacause the outing program is planned with full-on entertainment. We will also have bonfire meetings in the beach so that everyone can share their feelings, express their emotions under the moonlite of the longest beach on earth.for booking and details, Please Contact Shihab Masum |+88 017 16 135 716 -
Monthly Celebration April 2016
In the last thrusday of every month, we celebrate drug free clean years of our clients and friends.last month we were celebrating fifty(50) years of drug free clean time.