ark courtyard

24/7 Residential Treatment

ARK is the first ever drug addiction treatment center in Chittagong. Over the years, we evolved our treatment model as per the drugs and ecological factors

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drug treatment motivation

Religious Practice is Important

Our Treatment module includes religious practices along with medical, psycho-social-spiritual guidence

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Motivate drug addicts

Motivational Sessions

We Arrange regular sessions with various govt. officers, social activists, clinical psycologists, addiction counselors, celebreties, successful recovering addicts

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  • Survey on Impact of Drug Addiction

    Impact of Drug Addiction

    The average cost of drugs per person were from BDT 160 to BDT1,000 per day or from BDT 58,400 to BDT 365,000 per year. The costing of drug abuse included only the cost of drug and related paraphernalia , the economic impact includes of health care expenditure, lost productivity, and other impacts on society such as crimes and accidents. The impact of drug addiction on different group of peoples as follows

    Male 93.9 %
    Unmarried 64.8 %
    Either students or unemployed (youth generation) 56.1 %
    Influenced by friends 85.7 %
    Addicted to methamphetamine (Yaba/Ecstasy) 65.8 %
    Addicted to more than one drug 64.3 %
    Took drugs in groups 65.8 %
    A history of unprotected sex 63.8 %

    The patterns and cost of drug abuse were investigated among 455 street drug abusers and 832 drug abusers who were admitted to different drug addiction treatment centre in Chittagong, Bangladesh

  • yaba addiction

    Yaba Addiction Effects

    Yaba is a combination of methamphetamine and caffeine. Psychological effects of methamphetamine include euphoria, anxiety, increased libido, alertness, concentration, increased energy, increased self-esteem, self-confidence, sociability, irritability, aggressiveness, psychosomatic disorders, psychomotor agitation, dermatillomania(compulsive skin picking), hair pulling, delusions of grandiosity, hallucinations, excessive feelings of power and invincibility, repetitive and obsessive behaviors, paranoia, and - with chronic use and/or high doses - amphetamine psychosis. Long term yaba abuse has a high association with depression, ADHD, Bi-polar disorder as well as serious heart disease, amphetamine psychosis, anxiety, and violent behaviors. Yaba is also very highly addictive and now a day, it is the most abusive drug of choice among the drug addicts. Yaba is not directly neurotoxic but long-term use can have neurotoxic side-effects. Its use is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's disease due to the fact that uncontrolled dopamine release is neurotoxic Long-term dopamine up-regulation occurring as a result of Yaba abuse can cause neurotoxicity, which is believed to be responsible for causing persisting cognitive deficits, such as memory loss, impaired attention, and decreased executive function. Similar to the neurotoxic effects on the dopamine system, Yaba can also result in neurotoxicity to the serotonin system14. Over 20% of people addicted to yaba develop a long-lasting psychosis resembling schizophrenia after stopping yaba. The condition persists for longer than 6 months and is often treatment resistant. Withdrawal symptoms of methamphetamine primarily consist of fatigue, depression, and increased appetite.Symptoms may last for days with occasional use and weeks or months with chronic use, with severity dependent on the length of time and the amount of yaba used. Withdrawal symptoms may also include anxiety, irritability, headaches, agitation, restlessness, excessive sleeping, vivid or lucid dreams, deep REM sleep, and suicidal ideation etc.

  • What is Drug Addiction?

    What is Drug Addiction?

    Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Many of us do not understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. Family members and loved ones often assumed that drug addicts lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a very complicated disease, and relinquishing takes more than good intentions or a strong will. In fact, because drugs change the brain in ways that nurture compulsive drug abuse, quitting is difficult, even for those who are ready to do so. Advanced science lets us know more about how drugs work in the brain than ever, and we also know that drug addiction treatment can be successful helping addicts stop abusing drugs and lead productive lives is possible.